Tuesday 8 May 2012

Hunger Games

I finally saw the Hunger games last week! I know it's old news but I thought I would write about it anyway :D I loved the film, visually it was perfect, it was (mostly) exactly how I imagined it should look (The Arena and District 12 in particular) Katniss and Peeta were brilliant, so were all the other tributes (Cato and Rue <3) Effie, Haymitch, Cinna, Ceasar were all perfect, so I only had two real problems with it;
1.Cato is waaaayyyyy too hot to be taken seriously as a bad guy. I couldnt help wanting to be peeta when he was looking at him like he was a "meal"... Its just distracting, reign it in Ludwig.
2. What the fuck is that camo shit that peeta pulls out of the bag? And how the hell does icing a cake help him learn it? I know it was in the book, but it seemed way less bizarre, the leap from sprinkling hundreds and thousands on a few fairy cakes to completely transforming into a fricking log by painting your self with mud does not translate well on-screen.At all.
As you can tell, I'm clutching at straws here, because the film was surpisingly good and I really enjoyed it. Although some might complain that it wasn't that close to the book, I feel it's kind of hard (or rare at least) to make a film really close to the orginal book, but that doesn't have to mean the film is a travesty or even mediocre (Harry Potter anyone?), so calm it devout Hunger Gamers, it was good! Better than sex. Aparently. (I was bullied into writing that.)
One good thing about seeing it so late was that we were the only people in the cinema, there was literally six of us, which meant that we could sit and banter about like you normally do with your mates whilst watching a film, ( I know this will get me a lot of hate on the Film Nazi Watchers Committe...) if you find it hard to sit still and shut up during a film, go when its been out for a couple of months/weeks and off peak, its a load better than sitting in forced silence if you really can't shut your mouth for 2 and a half hours...Lord knows I can't, I need to siphon off my wit onto my grateful compadres at regular intervals or I start dying inside.

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